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Erasmus Spanien



Hier die Bewerbung 2024 zum Download

Our school’s aim  

To provide the best possible education through the comprehensive development of our students’ competences in a caring learning environment. Our approach to education is to identify and develop the strengths and talents of all students. By empowering our students and staff to connect, share knowledge, distribute responsibility, and collaborate, we want to build a school community where everyone can learn with - and from - each other.

Who we are

Spree Oberschule is located in the beautiful town of Fürstenwalde, approximately 50 km away from Berlin. It is a public secondary school which offers education for students from grade 7 to 10. Approximately 450 students are currently  attending our school. 26 nationalities are being taught in 16 classes. Due to the establishment of a new school campus with an integrated primary school the number of our students is presumed to increase up to 800 students by 2030.

After successfully graduating from Spree Oberschule students are eligible for vocational training or can transfer to an academic secondary school (Gymnasium / Oberstufenzentrum) to achieve their higher school certificate (Abitur). Both options, vocational training and Abitur will take another three years to be accomplished.

School life

The school organizes a variety of events, activities and competitions for the well-being of all school members . Annual highlights are the writing contest, the Spree Olympics, the campus festival, the Christmas market and a number of sports competitions, to name but a few. The school also has support groups such as the guidance counselors and our social worker, who always have a sympathetic ear for psychological issues including stress, relationships, family problems and school related problems such as bad grades or bullying.

There is a school representative council that is democratically electedevery year and acts as the voice of students. The council gets together with the school’s principal on a regular basis.

Career orientation

The school also has external contributors such as the occupational counselor who provides support to students related to careers, choice of subjects and personal development.

Furthermore, we offer our students to do an internship in Poland our neighboring country. 

The students do internships on a regular basis in class 9 and 10.

Non-formal education

The school is very much aware of the challenges that young people have to face in today’s vocational world. We feel that knowledge of personal, intercultural and communicational skills can enhance their employability prospects and help them develop into more holistic persons. To this effect the school offers a number of non-formal programs that focus on the acquisition of these skills.

In 2023 we have been accredited for the Erasmus+-program and have been able since then to develop two projects that are being carried out the first time during the academic school year 2023/24. The projects are designed to last for years but at least until 2027 when our accreditation has to be revived by the European Union.

Here are the different projects that our school provides with the support of the Erasmus+-program:


Students of grade 9 and 10 can take part in the Erasmus-project “Friendship beyond borders” and join in our partnership with the Spanish secondary school “IES Carmen Burgos de Seguí” in Alovera, Spain. The project is designed to provide students the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the variety of cultures, lifestyles and global issues. We believe that building a strong relationship to peers abroad is a key to a greater awareness of a continually growing global interconnectedness. Working together in projects will help students to better understand the world they live in and to break down preconceptions. By linking students beyond national borders we support them in building strong personalities who are aware of not only their national but also their EU citizenship. Furthermore, we want to enhance a blended approach to learning. That is why we implemented a continuous exchange via eTwinning (a safe cyberspace provided by the European School Education Platform). We strongly believe that using information and communication technology is a great opportunity to reinforce a mutual friendship across borders. A visit in both the beginning and end of a school year strengthens the personal bond between the students and teachers of both participating schools.

 Aim of the project:

1)      Promote intercultural learning: Learners gain knowledge about cultural diversity and develop skills to interact and communicate successfully with one another. They learn about cultural norms and are encouraged to see their lives from other than their own perspectives.

2)      Overcome potential bias: Students and teachers are human beings and not immune against stereotypes and bias. It is important to know why people follow preconceptions and for what purposes they exist. Only then it is possible to overcome and continually scrutinize one's own bias. One aim of the project is to perpetually follow this process.

3)      Develop communication skills: Project language is English. Students will be guided through the whole project with the help of their English teachers. They will use their knowledge and will improve their vocabulary, conversational -  and writing skills.

4)      Develop personal skills: Students will meet peers and interact with them. A person's character is formed by many little social experiences. We want to give students the possibility to gain as many experiences in a safe space like school so that they can become optimistic, courageous, responsible, respectful and caring individuals with a sense for community and citizenship.

Friendship beyond borders is a project organized by the English Department

Person in charge: Mrs Nuha & Mrs Pöperny